Let's Learn English Together

Tanuljunk Együtt Angolul

on January 7, 2014
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Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems… palsy is just one
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What condition does the speaker have and how did she get it? *
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Is it unusual that she can walk and how did she learn? *
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Where did she spend her summers growing up and what reason did her parents give? *
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What was her biggest dream? *
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When becoming a chauffeur how did her clients feel about her driving? *
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What was the aim of the New York Arab-American Comedy Festival? *
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Why did she think they will not invite her back after her appearance in “Countdown With Keith Olbermann”? *
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What is her view on disability and disabled people? *
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What was the highlight of her carrier according to her? *
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What are the things she has achieved in her life? *
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