Watch the one minute world news here for 19/01/2014
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Articles and videos on this topic:
Are there more girl gangs in the UK?
Animal Research Saves Human Lives
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Are there more girl gangs in the UK?
A former gang memeber speaks about here experiences, and how to tackle gang violence.
Watch the BBC video – here (4:42)
Useful links for the oral topics
EU animal research shall it stay or shall it go?
speaker’s corner trust – controversial topics, pro and con
The impact of China’s one-child policy analysed
People growing up under China’s one-child policy are less trusting, more risk averse and more pessimistic, a study concludes.
Read the BBC analysis – here
Queen Victoria and her children
A BBC article about the “domestic bliss” of Queen Victoria’s family: her turbulent marriage and the strained relationships with the kids.
read the article – here
Workplace discrimination prompts ‘whitened’ job applications
The report found ethnic minority women faced “persistent barriers to employment” – Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!
Ted talk:
Ernesto Sirolli’s passionat talk about his experiences in Africa and what he learned.
Hospital security blunder as Kate’s nurse falls for hoax call
The hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge is being treated for severe pregnancy sickness has admitted one of its nurses gave out confidential details of her treatment after falling victim to a hoax call from an Australian radio station.
Read the article from the Telegraph
Have you ever done a prank call? Do you think they are funny or annoying?
Listen to the actual prank call – here
Follow up:
Prince Charles joking about the prank call and gives his reaction to the news – see video here
Prince Charles speaks Pidgin English in Papua New Guinea
A short video from the BBC : Prince Charles visiting Papua New Guinea and greeting the people in Pidgin English
Prince Charles speaks Pidgin English in Papua New Guinea – Telegraph